Posted by: gaz4lifee | September 10, 2009

Sam’s Return


So Daniella Westbrook is back as Sam Mitchell, dunno about you’s lot but i think she is rusty and doesnt look good to be honest. A agree with a comment made from someone else, Its like Peggy’s sister coming back not her daughter!

Back to Sam, i think it was really good that they made her anoymous all way though the episode when she was in the plane with Ricky and then when Phil was looking up at her from the stairs. And then i also thought it was very good when Sam appeared onscreen right at the end while Bianca was shouting at Ricky.

And it is very interesting now that Minty now knows about Sam and also Whitney, because Bianca want’s Ricky all to herself and she will do whatever it takes to get him back. And it will also be interesting what Amanda’s reactions are about Sam’s Return

And then it makes you wonder how this storyline wouldve been like if our Danielle was still about. If she would go back and tell her best friend Stacy and then for Stacy to start mouthing it off to the walford locals then Ronnie falling out with Danielle, then Phil and Peggy disowning Danielle  (see another interesting storyline that couldve happened if Danielle was still there)

Overall it was a good return for Sam Mitchell but what do you’s think? and would you prefer if it was Kim that came back as Sam? Please comment using the usual form underneath



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  1. I allways liked Daniella as Sam better then Kim, don’t get me wrong kim was great but just a little too nice for that character. I do thing they could have let her wear slightly better clothers and make up then they are giving her, they are making her look daft, although not as bad as I expected.

  2. There’s been a lot of comments made about how Daniella looks, she does look a lot older than b4, but i guess she isn’t 19 anymore lol. I used to like Sam Mitchell played by Daniellea westbrooke and was annoyed when kim took over the role, but then i got used to kim playing her. The only problem is that both actresses play the character differently, I think they should of made Daniella’s sam a bit more like Kim’s Sam.

    I guess it will be interesting to see what she gets up to.

  3. In some of the pictures that I’ve seen of her she looks like a wotsit.

    • yeah I agree, and whats bad is she is actually good looking, I think its a mix of ageing from all the drug taking, and bad makeup and clothes.

  4. She looks discusting.
    I am now going to stopwatching it because I just cant stand the sight of her.
    Kim was way much better looking & better at playing Sam than coke head westbrook

  5. She really looks discusting.
    I am now going to stopwatching it because I just cant stand the sight of her.
    Kim was way much better looking & better at playing Sam than coke head westbrook

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